Prayer Requests
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Here at Vertical, we believe in the power of prayer and one of our Pillars is Relentless Prayer. Click either of the buttons below to share a prayer request with the Prayer Team or a private prayer request that shared only with the pastors and elders.
Mark K.
May 29, 2024
My mom has been admitted to Grant Hospital again. She has been coughing up. Blood is the bad news, the good news is she doesn't have pneumonia. They want to look at her lungs a little closer to see if they can't break it up.
My dad is still in Riverside Hospital. We have to make some hard decisions tomorrow night.
My mom's name is Rita, My dad's name is John. Brothers Terry, Johnny, and sister Joanie. Please keep all of us in your prayers!
Cee D.
May 27, 2024
Special Prayer For First Lady Regina and her upcoming ultrasound test. Prayer for Sister Edna healing in Jesus Name. Prayer for Ecclesia Church and Live Oak Church.
Deborah B.
May 26, 2024
Single mom needing comfort as my boy is heading to college. Thank u
Joel S.
May 26, 2024
My girlfriend really wants to get baptized I just pray that she would better understand why we do baptism first
Kay H.
May 26, 2024
Would you please pray for my friend Kathryn who suffers from depression and anxiety? Pray God would draw her to Himself and away from her mental anguish. Also would you please pray that she would find friends with whom she can communicate?
Mark K.
May 25, 2024
I need prayer for my family.
My mom, Rita, was in and out of the hospital for COPD, emphysema, and afib. She was in for one week, came out less than 24 hours. She went back in with pneumonia. Mom who had never been on oxygen, suddenly went on oxygen. She needs 24-hour care, my sister, thank God, is able to spend the nights with her. Mom has been out of the hospital for One week today. She is showing great signs of progress.
My dad, John, had a complete mental breakdown. He is in Riverside Hospital. Will hopefully be transferred to the psychiatric ward within the next day or so.
We need prayer for the following:
1. Discernment on where dad should go, which memory Care facility.
2. How to best obtain 24-hour care for my mom.
3. Comfort and peace as we go through this season of life.
In the midst of all these challenges we have seen God do multiple things. We know he's in control!
Thank you,
Shari K.
May 22, 2024
Praise! The trach was successfully placed and Denwood is doing better. He is very alert, hands no longer bound and has been weaned off all IV meds. They will start weaning him from the vent.
Please pray that his kidneys would heal and work without the assistance of dialysis. Thank you!
Shari K.
May 20, 2024
Doctor will be putting a trach in Denwood today. Please pray the procedure is successful and temporary.
Kay H.
May 13, 2024
Please pray for my brother Jim. He is critically ill. No sleep in several days. Has pneumonia and blood clots in his arm. Delirium from lack of sleep and desperately needs rest to heal. Hospitalized. Cardiologist, Neurosurgeon and Hospitalist involved. Thank you
Art D.
May 12, 2024
Asking for Special Prayer For Rev Leigh who has been faithful to The Lord and Her current Job...She has a disrespectful difficult boss who does not appreciate her years of dedication. She needs God to move on her behalf in Jesus Name! Prayer for Sister Brittanya for healing. Prayer for Sister Danicka's mom healing. Prayer for Sister Edna Continued healing. Prayer for Ecclesia Church. Prayer for Luz Maria Chavez - Favor at work
Her sister Laura Patricia Chavez for continued healing from Cancer. Prayer for sister Regina healing and deliverance in Jesus Name!
Shari K.
May 4, 2024
Please continue to pray for Denwood who is back on the ventilator with a resistant infection. Thank you
Shari K.
April 29, 2024
Please pray that Denwood's heart would resume normal function and that the confusion and shaking will resolve quickly. Thank you!